BD5 Fuselage Construction Guide

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  • #200
    Benjamin Morgan



    Before Beginning Construction, Note the Following:

    1. The center portion of the fuselage should be assembl­ed first.
    2. Pay particular attention to where flush rivets and dome head rivets are used.
    3. Pay particular attention to Water Line references on the detail drawings. These help to accurately locate the respective parts.
    4. Do not finally rivet one side of the aft section of the fuselage. (One side is left open for later installation of the drive system).
    5. Should a discrepancy in overall size between two pre­formed fuselage skins occur, always trim the larger part to match the smaller part in size.
    6. When cutting aluminum, make sure all sharp edges are removed and cleaned of all burrs and roughness.
    7. When drilling holes, make sure all burrs and roughness are removed from the edges of the holes before dimp­ling, bolting or riveting in place.



    1.   Trim off all “tabs” from fuselage skins, making sure that all edges are trimmed straight and all roughness is removed.

    Note: The “tabs” should he trimmed even with the existing straight edges of each skin. Lay a straight edge to align with the edges of a section and mark across the tabs.

    2.   After trimming, clean and deburr all roughness from the edges of the sections.

    3.   Lay out Water Line 25.00 on both FU1 and FU6 using dimensions shown in Detail A.

    4.   Trial-fit sections FU97 and FU98 on formed bulkheads FU1 and FU6. Note that there is a “joggle” in the side edges of both FU1 and FU6 bulkheads — side skins FU97 and FU98 have correspond­ing “joggles”. These will help in alignment of the skins with the bulkheads. (Detail A)

    Note: Joggles are not designed to be tight. Clearance was allowed so that the skin can be shifted slightly during the fitting process.

    5.   Insure distance from bottom centerline of bulkheads to top edges of both FU97 and FU98 are identical each side of bulkhead and that the top edges are on W.L. 25.00 at both ends.

    6.   Cut FU13 strap from .063″ 2024-T3 aluminum (Detail B) and mark a centerline along its whole length.

    7.  Place FU13 along bottom edge of FU98 and clamp in place. Mark hole centers as shown in Detail B and pilot drill (No.39 or 40 drill) both parts.

    Note: FU13 ends at forward side of bulkhead FU14 location . (STA.91.15)

    8.   Cleco FU13 and FU98 together.

    9.   Locate FU97 on FU13 and mark hole centers and drill as directed in Detail D.

    10.   Cleco FU97 to FU13.

    11.  Fabricate one FU27 and one FU28 doubler from .025″ 2024-T3 aluminum (Detail G).

    12.   Locate FU97/FU98 assembly on FU1 and FUG bulkheads with FU27 and FU28 doublers between skin and FU1 bulkhead. Mark rivet hole centers as instructed in Details E and respectively.  Pilot drill (No.39 or 40 drill) and cleco assembly in place*

    Note: It will be more convenient to leave the area covered by FU29 (FU30) blank at this time and drill later when FU29 (FU30) is being fitted. (See Detail E)

    13.   Make parts FU31 and FU32 from BD-0Q13 material. (Detail G)

    14.   Make (FU11 and FU59 from .032 2024-T3 aluminum.

    Note: FU11 and FU59 – no template drawings are provided for these parts as they are simple straps. They are 1.44″ wide and run from a position .6″ forward of bulkhead FU14, rearward along the bottom centerline to short of the aft end of fuselage sections 58.  FU41 and FU42. Further note that FU11 and FU59 joins at bulk­head FU6. (Detail V) .

    15.   Make FU12 from BD-0008 extrusion. Trim the upstanding leg on forward and aft ends as shown in Detail D. The internal radius on the forward cut should be .12″ minimum.

    Note: The horizontal part of the “T” extends further forward than the upstanding leg.

    16.   Remove FU13 from parts FU97 and FU98 and position FU12 on FU13. Clamp FU12 and FU13 firmly together and drill holes (No.39 or 40 drill), as shown in Detail D.

    17.  Cleco FU12 and FU13 together and position FU31 and FU32. Bolt FU31 and FU32 to FU12 and clamp these two parts to 41. FU13, inserting shims FU46 and FU47 first. Drill as shown in Detail D (using existing holes in FU13 as a guide).

    18.  Assemble FU12/FU13/FU31 and FU32 at bottom centerline of FU97 and FU98 and cleco in place.

    19.  Angles FU17 and FU18 can now be cut to length from MBD5FU17  and MBD5FU18. These angles form part of the inside framework of the engine compartment doors.

    20.   FU17 runs from .80″ behind skin trim of FU97 (.05″behind bulkhead FLJ1) to .60″ past the aft edge (trim line) of FU97. See Details E and I respectively.

    Note: FU17 is installed so that 1.50″ is below the top edge of FU97. This leaves .75″ above the top edge of FU97. (The same applies to FU18 — See Detail H).

    21.   See Detail H also for rivet spacing detail and general angle location. Cleco angles FU17 and FU18 in place as they are drilled.

    22.   Drill OUT all rivet holes to full size. Disassemble all parts. Make sure all holes and edges are smooth and free of burrs. Seal and rivet FU11, FU12, FU13, FU17, FU18, FU31, FU32, FU46, FU47, FU97 and FU98 parts to each other and to FU1 and FU6.

    23.   Next, position FU95 and FU96 on bulkheads FU1 and FU6. Set these top fuselage sections flush with FU97 and FU98 and insure accurate alignment on bulkheads FU1 and FU6.

    24.   Trim to fit, if necessary, along the top centerline.

    25.   Remove FU96 (right side) and clamp FU95 firmly in place on the two main bulkheads and drill at one inch intervals as depicted in 48. Details E and J and cleco FU95 in place.

    26.   Fabricate FU10 from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum. Drill to fit FU95 skin.

    Note: Splicing strap FU10 should be located at the top centerline of FU95 as shown in Main Plans Drawings. See also Detail J, which shows forward end of FU10 ending .10″ behind the canopy arm channel. Do not drill last two aft holes in the splicing strap at this time (where it laps under FU6 bulkhead flange), as this is done when FU39 and FU40 are installed.

    27.   With FU95 held in position with clecos, parts FU23, FU51, and FU53. (FU24,FU52 and FU54 right side) should be trimmed out from the preformed material furnished. See Detail H for dimen­sions and location of these parts.

    Note: Install FU23 before FU51 and FU53.

    28.   Detail L shows that FU23 ends .80″ aft to skin trim line (.05″ short of FU1 bulkhead). FU23 goes on top of FU48 doubler.

    29.   Detail I shows that FU23 extends aft .60″ past the joint between FU95 and FU41.

    30.   Refer to Detail H for exact position of FU51 and FU53 in relation to FU17and FU23.

    31.   Detail K shows specific rivet layout on parts FU17 and FU21.

    32.   When installing FU23, remember that doubler plate FU48 will be installed at the forward end of FU95 (Detail N) and located between FU95 and FU23. Particularly note that FU51 goes over FU23 at this position.

    33.   After FU23, FU51 and FU53 have been positioned on side skins FU95 and FU97 using clecos, complete installation of the oppos­ite equivalent parts on the right side skins FU96 and FU98. Next mark and cut out top center of FU95/FU96 as shown in Detail J for installation of FU7 hat section.

    Note: A part of the forward top end of side skins FU95 and FU96 has to be cut out at the centerline, .30″ wide by 16.08″ long in order to provide a channel opening of .60″ wide when FU95 and FU96 are together.

    34.   Make FU7 hat section from BD-0006 material.

    35.   Make FU10 splice strip from 0.32″ 2024-T3 aluminum

    36.  Fabricate three FU36 brackets from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail J)

    37.   Fabricate FU8 (two parts) from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum, and FU9 from .750″ X .625″ 2024-T3 aluminum bar material. (Detail J)

    38.  Cut opening in FU1 for forward end of FU7.

    39.  Clamp FU7 in place on skins and mark rivet hole centers and drill
    holes with No.39 drill.

    40.  Remove FU7 and install FU8 and FU9 in FU7 hat section, as
    shown in Detail J.

    41.  Dimple, finish drill and deburr all holes in fuselage skins FU7 and FU10.

    Note: Remember to drill (1/4″ drill) the .0250″ pivot pin hole through both FU7 and FU8 at this time. Note particularly that it must be located and drilled at 90 degrees to the centerline and on a W.L. The hole should be drilled through both FU7 and FU8 simultaneously.

    42.   Reposition FU7 assembly in the fuselage and cleco in place.

    43.   Position two FU36 brackets at the front sides of FU7, mark hole centers and drill and cleco in place onto FU1 bulkhead. Check position and alignment (Details J and M).

    44.   Do not apply bonding sealant to the sides of the FU36 brackets at this time. (Detail M)

    45.   Position FU36 bracket below FU7 inside fuselage and drill and cleco in place.

    46.   Finally install splicing strap FU10, first dimpling, finish drilling and deburring holes in both fuselage skins and strap. Leave out  four aft rivets which will later go through FU6 bulkhead. Do not rivet FU36 clips to FU1.

    47.   Finally install FU7 hat section assembly, first dimpling, drilling and deburring all rivet holes. Leave out two forward rivets which will later go through FU1.r

    Note: FU10 and FU7 do not have to be final riveted at this time, but it will save clecos to do so. Otherwise the riveting may be done later when the skins are being riveted to the bulkheads.

    48.   Reinstall FU95/FU96 skin assembly with clecos on FU1 and FU6.

    Note: ALL engine compartment frame angles must be in place when this is done.


    49.   At this time, mark engine compartment door outline on the out­
    side of FU95 — See Detail H for dimensions.

    Note: The best method for cutting out the doors is to continuous­ly scribe long the door outline until the metal is almost complete­ly cut through. Then “break” the door free and file and sand all edges smooth. The best way to scribe around the radii at the top corners of e door is to use a metal washer as a template. Do not scribe into the backup structure or into the skin beyond the open­ing. Thin strips of metal may be inserted between the door frame angles and the skin, if desired, to prevent scribe marks on the under-structure.

    50.   Remove all angles from around engine compartment door opening and deburr and sand smooth the door opening in the skin.  Save the skin cutouts as they will be used to make FU3 and FU4 doors.

    51.   Cut out FU4 engine compartment door from the right side of the fuselage.  Repeat procedures in paragraphs 49 and 50.

    52.   Dimple and deburr all rivet holes in FU95 and FU96 skins and bulkheads FU1 and FU6.

    53.   Dimple and deburr all rivet holes in all engine compartment door frame angles.

    54.   Finally install FU23, FU?4, FU51, FU52, FU53 and FU54 angles around engine compartment door openings, and FU95/FU96 skin assembly to FU1, FU6, FU23 and FU24 using flush rivets.

    Note: Do not rivet extreme fore and aft ends of FU17/FU18 and
    FU23/FU24 at this time. See Details I and N.

    55.   Install one FU36 clip to the aft side of FU1, sealing and riveting it to both side of FU1.  Seal and rivet these clips to FU1 but seal them only to FU7.  Rivets at this location will interfere with the canopy pivot arm when it is installed later.

    56.  Sand or file edges of FU3 and FU4 doors smooth.

    57.   Place FU3 door opening in FU95.  Tape in place if necessary.

    58.   Lay out holes for door fastening screws and nutplates. (Detail H).

    59.   Pilot drill (No.39, No.40 or No.30 depending on cleco size) all holes through FU3 door skin and frame FU23, FU51 and FU53.  Install clecos as you drill out the holes.

    60.   Remove clecos and door. Lay door aside

    61.   Drill out the nut plate center holes in the door frame angles with a No.19 drill.

    62.   Position nutplates on the outside of the fuselage assembly by
    inserting a short 10-32 round head screw through the sheet metal.

    Note: pay particular attention to the location of the nutplates.

    63.   With nutplates properly positioned, drill through the nutplate mounting holes with a No.40 drill.

    64.   Dimple the nutplate rivet holes with a 100° dimple die ( or a rivet head).

    65.   Either dimple the screw holes with a 100° dimple die or drill the
    holes out to 5/16″ diameter to allow clearance for the dimples on the door.

    66.   Clean and deburr all holes. Install nutplates with CCR264SS-3-1 rivets.

    67.   Dimple the screw holes in FU3 door with a 100° dimple die using a pilot diameter to match the pilot holes used (or redrill the holes). Drill to finished size (No.19) if necessary and deburr.

    68.   Fit FU4 door on right hand side using the procedure described
    in paragraphs 56 through 66.

    69.   Fabricate FU14from .025″ 2024-T3 aluminum . (Detail C)

    70.    After fabrication, trial-fit FU14 in position 15.88″ to the rear of the forward trim lines of FU97 and FU98. (See Main Plans Draw­ings—Page 1-2)

    Note: This measurement is taken along the contour of the fuselage skins — NOT in a direct horizontal plane from the point mention­ed. (See Introductory Section, Page VI)

    71.   Drill and install FU14, using clecos (hole spacing 1.00″ apart – Detail D)

    72.   Make FU21 and FU22 froth MBD5FU21 and MBD5FU22 angle material, cutting these to length on assembly. Refer to Details D and E for location and trim details. Note particularly the details of the integral tab on the aft end\of the angles. Be sure the parts fit properly between FU1 and FU14.

    Note: FU21 is located 5.00″A.c\below the top edge (trimline) of FU97. See Detail E.

    73.   Mark hole centers along inside of rU21 and FU22 angles, spacing holes as called out in Detail E. (See also Detail K for relationship of FU21 to FU17).

    Note: Drill the No.19 holes in the forward end of the angles only to pilot hole size at this time.

    74.   Trial-fit FU21, then hold in place while drilling holes through it and FU14. Cleco in place on FU14.

    75.   Drill holes through length of FU21 and FU97 and cleco in place.

    76.   Repeat procedure for FU22. See Detail K for rivet hole pattern on FU21 (same for FU22).

    77.   Dimple holes, deburr and make final installation of FU21 and FU22. Use clecos in the forward holes to hold parts in contact while sealant sets up.


    Note: Before beginning actual assembly of fuselage skins FU39, FU40, FU41 and FU42, all internal bulkheads and doublers should be fabricated. In respect of parts FU56 and FU61, it will be noticed that the template drawings have had to be printed in two parts, each part on a separate page. Fabrication of the parts themselves is, f course, each in one piece.

    78.   Make template and fabricate FU56 from .016″2024-T3 aluminum.
    (Detail O)

    79.   Make template and fabricate FU61 from .016″ 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail P)

    80.   Make templates and fabricate parts FU62, FU63, and FU64 from .016″ 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail G)

    81.   Make templates and fabricate parts FU58 and FU65 from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum (Detail R). Mark hole centers.

    82.   Make template and fabricate FU60from .020″ 2024-T3 aluminum (Detail S)

    83.   Trial-fit FU41 and FU42 to bulkhead FU6. Check for good align­ment all around, with first alignment being made with the side skins already installed on FU6 (ie. FU95, FU96, FU97 and FU98).

    84.   First install FU41 in place on bulkhead FU6, mark hole centers
    1.00″ apart — except at the positions where FU17 and FU23 join
    FU6 (Details T and U). Drill No.39VII holes.

    85.   Note that in Detail V the aft end of  F11 splicing strap (shown
    ending on top of the FU6 bulkhead flange) is finally drilled when FU41 is in place (two holes).

    86.   Dimple FU6, FU11 and FU41 and cleco parts together.

    87.   Drill (No.29 drill) all holes through FU41 and FU6 bulkhead.

    88.   Cut from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum FU59 Splicing strap. No tem­plate is provided for this strap as it is a simple strip of aluminum, 1.44″ wide and running from FU6 rearwards to within 2.5″ of the extreme aft end of fuselage skins FU41 and FU42. (Detail W).

    89.   Note that FU59 is tapered slightly at its aft end to fit inside skin contour. It must also be hand formed in a slight “Vee” to fit in­ side the skins.

    90.   Draw a centerline down complete length of FU59 and position strap on FU41. Clamp in place. Mark hole centers l.00″ spacing) along its entire length, then drill holes through both FU59 and FU41 with No.39 drill.

    91.   Cleco FU59 to FU41.

    92.   Position FUQ4 inside FU41 at 7.10″A.C. from extreme trailing edge of FU41 Clamp in place, mark hole centers and drill No.39 holes at 1.00″ intervals (Details W and X).

    93.   Next, mark hole centers along outside of FU41 for installation of FU61.

    Note: Hole center for this part are 1.5″ apart, with the exception of the area where FU65 is installed (See Detail X).

    94.   Holes can be drilled in FU41, DO NOT drill holes at this time in the area where FU65 is to be installed.

    95.   Reposition FU61 inside FU41 and, using the holes drilled in FU41 skins as a guide, drill FU61.

    96.   Cleco FU61 to FU41.

    97.   Drill holes through FU61 and FU6 bulkhead 1.5″ apart. (Detail T)

    Note: Holes in FU61 and the top flange of FU64 can be drilled and FU61 fastened to FU64 with clecos. Hole centers will be the same as those in the bottom flange of FU62 as shown in Detail X.

    98.   Position FU62 on FU61 and removing clecos holding FU61 to FU64, mark hole positions in bottom flange of FU62 with a felt-tip marker.

    99.  Remove FU62 and drill holes with No.29 drill. (Detail X)

    Note:  It is important to insure that both FU64 and FU62 are accurately located inside FU41 (Detail X).  It is especially important to insure that FU62 is located the same distance forward of the trailing edge on BOTH sides as this determines whether the horizontal stabiliser pivot will be straight across the fuselage.

    100.   Mark hole centres on FU41 skin for riveting FU62 and, with FU62 clamped firmly in place, drill both FU41 and FU62 at the same time.

    Note:  Do not drill holes as indicated Detail X.

    101.   Remove necessary clecos so that FU65 can be installed.

    102.   Position FU65 between FU4T skin and bulkheads FU61, FU62
    and FU64.

    Note: The cut out shown in FU65 for installation of the horizon­tal stabilizer is the nominal size required, variations in individual airplanes may require slight trimming during the stabilizer rigging process.

    103.   With FU65 held firmly in position, the top hole through FU64 and FU41, the fifth hole along FU61 forward of FU64, and the first hole along FU61 rearward of FU64 can be used as guides to drill holes at these positions in FU65 (Detail X)

    104.   Cleco FU65 in place.

    105.   From inside FU41, mark remaining hole centres on FU65 and drill No.39 holes as shown in Detail X.

    106.   Finish cleco FU65 in place.

    107.   Position FU63 bulkhead on FU62 and FU41.  Mark hole centres in FU62 and FU41 and drill No.39 hokes. (Details X).

    108.   Position FU56 along the top of FU41 as shown in Detail X.

    109.   Mark hole centres as shown and drill No.39 holes 1.00″ apart.

    110.   See detail X for hole spacing and position on top flange of FU62 and FU56.

    111.   After all bulkheads have been drilled and fastened in place with clecos, use FU65 as a template and draw cut-out outline on inside of FU41.

    112.   Remove all bulkheads and FU41 from FU6 and cut out hole for horizontal stabilizer installation. (Detail X).

    113.   Dimple all holes in parts where flush rivets are to be used, drill out all holes for 1/8″ rivets to No.29 and reassemble all bulkheads in FU41 and attach to FU6 using No.30 (1/8″) clecos.

    114.  Assemble FU42 in position, mark all holes centres following procedure as with FU41.  Drill this part and dimple and deburr all holes.

    115.  Cleco FU42 in place and double check general alignment and good fit.

    116.  Position FU60 on FU56 mark hole centers in bottom flange of FU60 and drill both FU60^nd FU56 simultaneously (No.39 drill). Cleco FU60 to FU56. (Detail Y)

    Note:  FU60 is installed parallel to the forward trim line of skin FU41 (FU42) and 15.00″ from it. (See Detail Y).

    117.   Shape FU58 to fit contour to FU39/FU40 skins (Detail Z).

    118.   Position FU39 in place.  Mark hole centres around trim lines and drill homes (Details X an Y).

    119.   Position FU57 splicing strap along inside top of FU39, mark hole centres and drill holes.  Cleco in place FU39.

    120.   Position FU66 in FU39.  See special note in Detail Z.

    121.   Position FU40 in place, mark hole centres for parts FU60, FU57 and FU58 and drill holes.

    122.  Remove all parts, dimple, finish drill and deburr holes.

    SPECIAL NOTE:  Final assembly of one side only to the aft end of the fuselage should be carried out at this time.  That is, final riveting of FU40 and FU42 only can be completed (and the inside bulkheads where they attach to these skins at this time.  The complete left side of the aft end of the fuselage should be left open for the installation of drive system and control system.


    123.   Position side skins FU67 and FU68 on bulkhead FU1,insuring good centreline alignment. (See main Plans Drawing – Page 1 2)  Drill No.39 holes through skins and FU1 bulkhead (Detail E).  Cleco skins to bulkhead.

    124.   Make FU37 splicing strip from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum and mark hole centres as called out in Detail AA.

    Note:  See Detail AA for splicing strap FU37 installation.  With holes in FU13 already drifted, use these as a guide to drill FU67 and FU68 skins along bottom centreline.  FU37 should be cut to end at the trim line of FU67 and FU68 with FU73/FU74.

    125.   Drill (No.35) FU37 and side skins FU67 and FU68 and cleco splicing strip in place.

    126.   Assemble nose cone by joining FU73 and FU74 with FU72 splicing strip (which, in this case, is performed part from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum – Bede Aircraft Part No.BD5FU72). (Detail AE).

    127.   Make two parts FU43 and FU44 from .032″ 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail AB).

    128.   Make template and fabricate FU38 from .025″ 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail AC).

    Note:  A Form Block will have to be made in order to form FU38.  Form the complete bulkhead with no cutout in the web at this stage.

    129.   Cut FU45 from BD-0002 material.

    130.   Position nose cone assembly (FU73/FU74) against FU67 and FU68 and locate side straps FU43 and FU44.  Clamp these parts together and mark hole centres.  (Detail AN and AE).

    131.   Remove nose cone and finish drill, countersink and deburr all holes.

    132.   Reassemble the nose cone on FU67/FU68 side skin.

    133.  Position FU45 behind FU38 (Detail AF) and mark hole centres and drill No.29 holes as indicated.

    134.   Cleco FU45 to FU38 to stiffen the bulkhead while it is being fitted.

    135.   Mark hole centers for installation of FU38 and drill holes. (Details AD and AE)

    136.   Remove FU38 and finish drill, countersink and deburr all holes in this bulkhead and FU73/FU7 4.

    137.   Remove FU45 angle from FU38.

    138.   Next, cut out centre of FU38 as shown in Detail AF and deburr edges.

    139.   Position FU45 behind FU38 and rivet in place with dome head rivets.

    140.   Relocate FU38 inside fuselage nose cone and cleco in place.

    141.   FU72, FU73, FU74 and FU38 can now be finally riveted together using flush rivets.

    142.   Cleco completed nose cone assembly in place on FU67 and FU68 with FU43 and FU44 side strips in position.

    143.   Final rivet nose cone assembly to FU67 and FU68 using FU43 and FU44 splice strips.

    Note: Install only those rivets below the level of FU69 and FU70 to be inserted (detail N)

    144.   Make two FU55 parts from .063″ 2024-T3 aluminum (Detail AB).

    145.   Cut out FU1 on both sides to allow FU69 and FU70 to be inserted (Detail N).

    146.   Make FU69 and FU70 from MBD5FU69 and MBD5FU70.  Trim upper and lower flanges to width (See Detail AD).

    Note:  Upper flange is .60″ wide and lower flange is .50″ wide.

    147.   Trial fit FU69/FU70 before cutting to final length.

    Note: The hat section should overlap the nose skin by 3.00″ at the top flange and extend back to FU51 (FU53) at the aft end.  This part will appear to shorten as the fuselage skin is spread in a following step so do not over trim at this time.

    148.   Trim the aft ends of FU69 and FU70 to proper angle to be parallel to FU51 and FU52.

    149.   Clamp FU69 and FU70 flush with the upper edge of FU67 and FU68 skins. Details N and AD. The aft ends should be within .05” of the flange on FU51/FU52.

    150.   Drill the four holes in each hat section that will pick up rivets ir. FU1 bulkhead and the skins. Install clecos.

    Note: Do not drill any other holes in the longerons at this time.

    151.   Measure 15.12” from the forward trim lines of FU67/FU68 aft along the contour at the top edge of the skins. Detail Al. Make a mark on each skin at this point.

    152.   Insert a temporary spreader (wood strip or other suitable material) to spread the fuselage, longerons and all. After spreading, the fuselage skins should be 20.18” apart (outside to outside) at the points where the marks were made.

    Note: This operation will cause the longerons to slip with relation to the skin. Ease up pressure on any clamps to let this take place. No slippage should take place where the clecos are in the aft end.

    153.   With the fuselage spread to the proper width, transfer the marks on the skin (per paragraph 151) onto the hat sections. This estab­lishes a locating reference for installation of FU33 and FU34

    154.   From this point on,the FU69 and FU70 longerons can be fitted and drilled in using the wooden spacer to maintain fuselage con­tour or the fuselage size can be held by installing FU33/FU34 angles and FU35 tube. The assembly sequence is written assuming the second method.

    155.   Fabricate FU33/FU34 brackets from BD-0007 angle material as shown in Detail AH. Drill two No.19 holes as indicated. Pilot drill the rivet holes to No.39

    156.   Make one FU35 part from .375”O.D. aluminum tubing to the dimensions given in Detail AH, and drill the two inner holes full size (No.19 drill) as shown. Drill the outside two holes undersize
    (No.39 or No.40).

    157.   Using the reference lines marked in paragraph 153, (See also Detail Al) locate FU33and FU34.

    Note: The upper corner of FU33/FU34 should be located on the reference line, but not parallel with it. The aft face of the angle should be approximately vertical when the airplane is in flight  attitude.

    158.   Drill No.29 through the existing holes in FU33/FU34 into the longerons. Cleco FU33/FU34 in place.

    159.   Install FU35 in place and install 8-32 screws in the full size holes.

    160.   Drill No.39 through the pilot holes in FU35 into FU33/FU34. After the alignment is checked, drill these holes out with a No.19 drill.

    161.   Remove FU33, FU34 and FU35. Deburr all holes.

    162.   Finish rivet FU33 and FU34 to FU69 and FU70 with dome head rivets.

    163.   Install FU35 with two screws, washers and nuts. Detail Al

    164.   Make two FU55 parts from .063” 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail AB)

    165.   Clamp FU55 straps along tops of FU69 and FU70, as shown in Section View B – B of Detail AD. Double check alignment of FU69/FU70 with top edge of skins. (Details N and AD)

    Note: FU69/FU70 should still be attached with clecos where it crosses FU1 bulkhead.

    166.   Mark hole centers on outside of fuselage skins and drill holes as

    SPECIAL NOTE: Carefully study special drawing in Detail AG, as well as Details N and AD, before drilling holes. Pay particular attention to double countersink of specific holes for installation of double-flush rivets. Also note No.29 holes for later installation of windshield.

    167.   Cleco canopy hat sections in place during the drilling process

    168.   It will be advantageous to start drilling holes at bulkhead FU1 and work forward on the longerons. Drill a few holes on one side of the fuselage and then drill some on the opposite side. In other .words do not drill all the holes on any one side at one time. Keep enough clecos in the holes to prevent slippage.

    169.   Make two FU48 gussets from .025” 2024-T3 aluminum. (Detail G)

    170.   Insert one FU48 on each side of the fuselage between the longerons and skin.

    Note: FU48 also slips between FU23 (FU24) and the skin and be­tween FU1 bulkhead and the skin. (Detail N)

    171.   Drill (\lo.39 all rivet holes necessary to install FU48 (both sides).

    172.   Remove FU48, FU69, FU70 and FU55.

    173.   Finish drill, countersink and deburr holes for those rivets which will install in .032” skin (FU67 and FU68). Dimple, finish drill and deburr holes for those rivets which will install in .025” skin (FU95 and FU96).

    Note: Both the skin and under structure must be dimpled.

    174.   Trim forward end of FU69/FU70 if necessary.

    175.   Countersink all rivet holes in FU67,FU68, FU73, FU74and FU55.

    Note: Pay particular attention to the different size and angle of countersink for the Avex 1/8” rivets and the MS 3/32” rivets.

    176.   Make final installation of FU48 including the rivets which also go through FU69/FU70

    Note: Make sure to get sealant under the flange of FU23/FU24  and to get complete coverage on the skin contact side of FU48.

    177.   Make final installation of FU69and FU70. Use the same technique of working from aft to forward and alternating rivets on each side that was described for the drilling process.

    Note: Be sure to install the rivets previously left out of the top end of FU43/FU44.

    178.   Trim FU29 and FU30 doublers along the scribe line furnished on the preformed blank.

    179.   File a bevel along the top edge. This bevel should start .25” from the top of the part and taper down to a material thickness of .020” – .040” at the edge.

    180.   Make one each of FU25 and FU26 from VS-0003 angle material

    181.   Locate hole centers for both the rivets and screws on FU29. (Detail E).

    182.   Fit FU29 in proper position on side of fuselage and drill No.29 holes at all hole locations. Cleco in place.

    183.   Fit FU25 in place. Drill to match FU29 four places. Drill No.29 four places into FU1 bulkhead.

    184.   Drill out all rivet holes in FU29 to No.29 drill size and all screw holes to No.19 size. Remove the No.40 clecos and replace with No.30 (in the rivet holes) as holes are drilled out.

    185.   Remove FU25 and FU29.

    186.   Countersink all screws holes in FU29 100° X .323” diameter. Countersink all rivet holes 120° X .205” diameter.

    Note: The bottom eight(8) rivets through FU27 doubler may be either flush or dome head.

    187.   Deburr all holes in skins, bulkhead, doublers and clip.

    188.   Make final installation of FU25 and FU29.

    189.   Repeat installation procedure for FU26 and FU30.X

    190.   Make FU49/FU50 from BD-0002 material (note that these parts are opposites) (Detail AH)

    191.    Fit FU49 in place and drill No.29 through FU49, FU69 and FU1 on hole centers as shown on Detail N.

    192.  Deburr holes, clean out chips and final rivet FU49 in place with dome head rivets.

    193. Install FU50 opposite to FU49


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