NOTED: MISCELLANEOUS CORRECTIONS A. Cover Page, Chapter One Change material identification for FU13, FU46 and FU55 to BD-5-M-0030. B. Page 11 In paragraph 12 delete reference to Detail F. In the note under paragraph 20 refer also to Detail I for dimensions. In paragraph 25 refer to Details I, N, Continue Reading
BD Plans Change Notice: PCN 5-4
MANDATORY: ABRASION SHIELD ON AILERON TORQUE TUBE A. Page 411 Before final assembly of the flap and aileron to the wing, abrasion shield A18 should be installed on the aileron torque tube. This shield should be located inside hinge pin F11 of the flap centre hinge bracket to protect the Continue Reading
BD Plans Change Notice: PCN 5-2
INBOARD FLAP BEARING BRACKET CHANGE The enclosed copy of pages 36 and 37, dated 2-1-73, should be inserted in your copy of the Construction Profile to replace the existing pages 36 and 37. The following changes were made on Page 36: Reduced quantity of W33 from 6 to 4. Redesigned Continue Reading